The first day of International Visitors Leadership Program (#IVLP) organized by US Department of State at Meridian International Center, Meridian House, Washington DC. Seven experts from different parts and sectors from Nepal had joined this program.
Dr. Janice Brummond, Program Officer, welcomed the seven experts. Mr. Sheridan Bell shared some of the background of the whole 3 weeks program along with schedule. Ms. Katie Hudak presented about communications, administration related stuffs.

Mr. William A. Carter, Deputy Director and Fellow, Technology Program Officer, Center for Strategic & International Studies joined the IVLP members for lunch where informal discussion on the Cyber Security was discussed for about an hour. His research focuses on international cyber and technology policy issues, including artificial intelligence, surveillance and privacy, data localization, cyber conflict and deterrence, financial sector cybersecurity, and law enforcement and technology, including encryption. He has spoken at events and conferences around the world and participated in Track 2 dialogues on cyber and technology policy issues with China, Russia, and Australia. Before joining CSIS, he worked in the Goldman Sachs Investment Strategy Group, where he performed research and analysis on geopolitics and the macro economy and produced reports and presentations on international affairs and current events and their impact on markets. He previously worked at the Council on Foreign Relations and at Caxton Associates, a New York hedge fund. He graduated from New York University with a B.A. in economics. Different IVLP experts presented and exchanged their views on cyber security.

The session was concluded by Dr. Tammy Schultz with her presentation on US Federation & Democracy. Dr. Schultz leads the Marine Corps War College National Security and Joint warfare Program. In addition, Dr. Schultz conducts communication simulations at the State Department for Foreign Service Officers and is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Security Studies Program. Previously, she was a Fellow at the Center for New American Security (CNAS). Prior to joining CNAS, she served as a Research Fellow and Director of Research and Policy at the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute. Dr. Schultz was also a Brookings Institution Research Fellow from 2003 to 2004.